Hindustan Zinc acknowledges global concerns on climate change and recognises that concerted and sustained action is required to reduce the scale of the problem and to adapt to its impacts. We have an exclusive Energy and Climate Change Management Policy that helps us achieve a balanced energy-carbon cycle at Hindustan Zinc. We periodically monitor our progress in energy and climate change management and adopt best practices to reduce our energy intensity.
In sync with our Vision 2020, we aim to improve our energy efficiency, reduce our GHG emissions, and intensify our efforts for the captive use of energy from renewable resources (wind, waste heat and solar).
This has been possible through some concrete environmental initiatives such as reducing water footprint, cutting GHG emissions through energy and climate change management, increasing use of green energy in the total energy mix, maintaining air quality, preventing environmental pollution by reducing waste, and conserving or rejuvenating the biodiversity near our operations.
We are signatory to Science Based Target initiative and committed to reduce absolute Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions 14% by 2026 from a 2016 base year and also committed to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions 20% by 2026 from a 2016 base year. To meet these targets, we are looking at increasing alternative energy in the total energy mix to reduce our carbon footprint, be more environment-friendly and cost competitive.