KPMG (Registered)
Building No. 10, 4th Floor, Tower-C
DLF Cyber City, Phase-II, Gurugram - 122 002 (India)
Tel.: +91 124 336 9000
Fax: +91 124 336 9001
To the management of Hindustan Zinc Limited,
Yashad Bhawan, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India - 313004
KPMG in India (KPMG) was engaged by Hindustan Zinc Limited ('the Company' or 'HZL') to provide an independent assurance on its Sustainability Report for FY 2017-18 ('the Report'). The Report is prepared by the Company based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards 'in-accordance - core' option for sustainability reporting.
The development of the Report, its content, identification of key material topics and related impacts, engaging with stakeholders is the sole responsibility of the management of the Company. KPMG's responsibility is to provide limited assurance on the Report content as described in the scope of assurance.
HZL applies its sustainability performance reporting criteria based on Sustainability Reporting Standards of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) including the
Mining and Metals Sector Disclosures, National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business (NVG) framed by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India, United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles, International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) and Sustainable
Development Goal frameworks for the Company as detailed in the 'Scope, Boundary and Limitations'.
We conducted limited assurance in accordance with the requirements of International Federation of Accountants' (IFAC) International Standard on Assurance
Engagement (ISAE) 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information. Under this standard, we have reviewed the
information presented in the report against the characteristics of relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality and understandability.
The Assurance has been provided for selected sustainability performance disclosures presented by HZL in its Report. The reporting boundary included data and
information for the period 01 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 for India and Global operations, based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards in accordance with Core option.
Our Scope of assurance included verification of the sample data and information on selected material topics reported at the following units/locations and Corporate
offices in Udaipur:
Chanderiya Lead Zinc Smelter, Rajasthan |
Debari Zinc Smelter, Rajashtan |
Pantnagar Metal Plant, Uttarakhand |
Rampura Agucha Mines, Rajasthan |
Zawar Mines, Rajasthan |
Dariba Smelting Complex, Rajasthan |
Kayad Mines, Rajasthan |
Rajpura Dariba Mines, Rajasthan |
Sindesar Khurd Mines, Rajasthan |
Udaipur Corporate Office, Rajasthan |
The assurance scope excludes:

Data and information outside the defined reporting period and boundary;

The Company's financial performance;

The Company's compliance to legal

The Company's statements that describe expression of opinion, belief, aspiration, expectation, aim or future intention and assertions related to
Intellectual Property Rights; and

Aspects of the report other than those mentioned below;
The Universal and Topic Specific Standard Disclosures subject to assurance were as follows:
Universal Standard Disclosures
General Disclosures

Organizational Profile (102-7 to 102-11)

Strategy (102-14)

Ethics and Integrity (102-16)

Governance (102-18)

Stakeholder Engagement (102-40 to 102-44)

Report Profile (102-46 to 102-56)
Management Approach • Disclosure on Management Approach (103-1)1
Topic Specific Standard Disclosures

Energy (302-1, 302-3, 302-4, OG3)

Water (303-1, 303-3)

Biodiversity (304-1)

Emissions (305-1, 305-2, 305-4, 305-7)

Effluents and Waste (306-1, 306-2, OG5, OG7, MM3)(102-18)

Stakeholder Engagement (102-40 to 102-44)

Report Profile (102-46 to 102-56)

Employment (401-1, 401-2, 401-3)

Occupational Health and Safety (403-2)

Training and Education (404-1, 404-2, 404-3)

Diversity and Equal Opportunity (405-1)

Non Discrimination (406-1)

Local Communities (413-1)
1Disclosures on Management Approach were verified for select topic specific disclosures as per the given table
Our assurance processes involve performing procedures to obtain evidence about the reliability of specified performance information. The nature, timing and extent of
procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the selected sustainability disclosures whether due to
fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we have considered internal controls relevant to the preparation of the Report in order to design assurance procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances.
We have obtained sample evidence, information and explanations that were considered necessary in relation to the assurance scope and have arrived at conclusions
mentioned below. Our work included a range of evidence-gathering procedures which included:
Assessing that the report is prepared in accordance with the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards - in accordance
with "Core" option). |
Reviewing the Report to ensure that there is no misrepresentation of disclosures as per scope of assurance and our findings. |
Reviewing the materiality and stakeholder engagement framework deployed at HZL. |
Understanding the appropriateness of various assumptions used for estimation of data by HZL. |
Assessing the systems used for data collection and reporting of the Universal Disclosures and Topic Specific Disclosures of material topics as listed in the assurance
scope above. |
Verifying systems and procedures used for quantification, collation and analysis of sustainability performance disclosures included in the Report. |
Holding discussion with senior executives at the plant locations and at the corporate office to understand the risks and opportunities from a sustainability perspective
including the strategy that HZL has adopted to address the same. |
Assessing data reliability and accuracy. |
Verifying select key performance data through site visits to operational locations and corporate office for: |
- Testing reliability and accuracy of data on a sample basis. |
- Assessing stakeholder engagement process through interactions with relevant internal stakeholders and review of related documentation. |
- Limited review of the materiality assessment process |
- Reviewing the processes deployed for collection, compilation and reporting of sustainability performance disclosures at corporate and plant level. |
Appropriate documentary evidence was obtained on a sample basis to support our conclusions on the information and data verified. Where such documentary evidence
could not be collected due to sensitive nature of the information, our team verified the same at HZL's premises.
We have reviewed the Sustainability Report of HZL. Based on our limited review and procedures performed in line with scope, boundary and limitations of assurance,
nothing has come to our attention that causes us not to believe that the sustainability data and information presented in the Report is fairly represented in line with the
identified material topics and is in accordance with the sustainability reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
We have provided our observations and areas for improvement to the company in a separate management letter. These, do not, however, affect our conclusions regarding
the Report.
The assurance was conducted by a multidisciplinary team including professionals with suitable skills and experience in verifying environmental, social and economic
information in line with the requirements of ISAE 3000 (Revised) standard. Our work was performed in compliance with the requirements of the IFAC Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants, which requires, among other requirements, that the members of the assurance team (practitioners) as well as the assurance firm (assurance
provider) be independent of the assurance client, in relation to the scope of this assurance engagement, including not being involved in writing the Report. The Code also
includes detailed requirements for practitioners regarding integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour. KPMG
has systems and processes in place to monitor compliance with the Code and to prevent conflicts regarding independence. The firm applies ISQC 1 and the practitioner
complies with the applicable independence and other ethical requirements of the IESBA code.
HZL is responsible for developing the Report contents. The Company is also responsible for identification of material sustainability topics, establishing and maintaining
appropriate performance management and internal control systems and derivation of performance data reported. This statement is made solely to the Management of
HZL in accordance with the terms of our engagement and as per scope of assurance. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to HZL those matters for which
we have been engaged to state in this statement and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other
than HZL for our work, for this Report, or for the conclusions expressed in this independent assurance statement. The assurance engagement is based on the assumption
that the data and information provided to us is complete and true. We expressly disclaim any liability or co-responsibility for any decision a person or entity would make based on this assurance statement. By reading this assurance statement, stakeholders acknowledge and agree to the limitations and disclaimers mentioned above.

Santhosh Jayaram
September 5th, 2018