Ancillary Plant at Dariba Smelting Complex
Transportation of Concentrate by Container Rail
Implementation of ARIBA for Procure-to-Pay Integration
Innovation and automation are becoming the new paradigm shift in today's digitised marketplace. Keeping in line with the technological advancements in the world, and our Vision 2020, we are making efforts to bring about a digital transformation and push for innovations in our supply chain process. Digitally integrating our supply chain, from its daily operation to larger strategic value, leads to transparency, better management and accountability, in turn strengthening our relationship with our suppliers and business partners.
One of our key digital transformations for the reporting period has been the Transport Management System, across all our locations. Automating our transportation system, thereby, reducing manual intervention, has led to zero spillage and pilferage, secure movement of goods and reduction in the carbon footprint.
Strengthening our collaboration with our suppliers, vendors and contractors is key to creating a sustainable future. Managing the social, environmental and economic impacts across our partner relationships constitute a critical aspect of our 360-degree approach to sustainability. We are leveraging technology and undertaking several strategic interventions to enhance the sustainability quotient across our supply chain.
Vision 2020
Digital transformation with a focus on innovation and collaboration.
The supply chain being an integral part of our business, we strive to build strong and resilient relationship with our partners. We do so by focussing on strategies, processes and policies that enable us to develop the capacities of our employees as well as our suppliers, vendors and contractors, thereby delivering business excellence. In our dealings with them, our primary focus remains tier-1 suppliers, and we connect with our tier-2 and tier-3 suppliers through the tier-1 suppliers. If the need arises we also directly connect with our tier-2 and tier-3 suppliers.
Aspect Boundaries
Highlights of FY 2017-18
ARIBA supplier collaboration went live in March 2018
Transportation of concentrate from mines to smelter using shuttered trucks and container rail have led to
ZERO spillage and theft
New performance scorecard, recognising best-in-class-performance, for service providers implemented
Action Plan FY 2018-19
Introduction of smart touch-less PO
Business Analytics & Auto MIS
Ancillary unit - Encouraging global majors in explosives
Online quality feedback to suppliers and training on zero waste
Structured interaction with supplier management to give scorecard feedback
Best supplier awards on adoption of sustainability practices
Simulators for SKM, RAM and ZM for operators' skill enhancement
Compliance surveys and safety audits for suppliers
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