Child Labour and Slavery
Employment of child, forced or compulsory labour by any contractor is an unpardonable offense that leads to blacklisting of suppliers across Vedanta. As a preventive measure we carry out regular inspections at all locations and require proof of age for all our contract workers.
During the reporting period none of our suppliers were identified as being at risk for undesired labour practices including child, forced or compulsory labour.
At HZL we are also committed in our approach to tackling modern slavery in our business and supply chain, consistent with the disclosure obligations under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
As we expect the same high standards from our vendors and suppliers, we ensure that they apply the same standards as HZL to their own organisations.
We have incorporated the Modern Slavery Act requirements in the Supplier & Contractor Sustainability Management Policy, and we ensure that there is no use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude in any part of our business.
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