annual report 2023|click to view full report
annual report 2021|click to view full report
A masterclass by the Cognito team on how to successfully reposition a 70-year-old organisation and make it relevant and aspirational in 2023. Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association - popularly known as ATIRA, was established in 1947 and helmed by some of the finest minds of its time - fun fact, Dr Vikram Sarabhai served as its first honorary director.
A vibrant, forward-focussed, aspirational brand in the early decades of its formation, ATIRA's sheen had considerably dimmed, and a brand revamp was long due.
In the able hands of the Cognito team, reports are catalysts of change. They are as much about the future as they are about the past. Carefully crafted narratives through words and visual imagery, transcend the rational to emotional and ensure that the message not only hits home, but makes a permanent residence within the reader. The ATIRA annual report is a fine demonstration of these skills.