Mining and smelting processes generate considerable amount of waste and managing this waste in a manner that generates wealth and doesn't contaminate the environment is a challenge.
HZL's Central R&D Laboratory (CRDL) worked with wastes generated from Pyro-smelting, Hydro-smelting and Captive Power Plant and found a suitable raw mix design to cast paver blocks using these waste materials.
Cement paving blocks are precast solid products made from cement concrete. The conventional raw materials used in manufacturing these blocks include Ordinary Portland Cement, aggregates and stone dust which are available locally in every part of the country.
CRDL substituted conventional raw materials and got the raw mix validated for different grades of paver blocks from M-25 to M-40 grade. About 70% to 80% waste substitution was observed for M-25 to M-30 grade paver blocks, which are generally used in constructing pedestrian paths.
CRDL replaced 60-80% of conventional raw materials used for making paver blocks by utilising wastes like fly ash, slag and jarosite.
National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur | Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi | Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee | National Council for Cement & Building Material Research (NCCBM), Ballabhgarh | Central Mining Research Institute (CMRI), Dhanbad
Utilisation of waste as raw material in making paver blocks resulted in 50% reduction in the production cost. More than 80,000 of M-25 grade paver blocks have been produced for internal consumption at Hindustan Zinc. |
Low cost of manufacturing as conventional raw material consumption is reduced. |
A CSR initiative can be driven to establish SMEs for paver blocks and bricks manufacturing using these wastes. |